Spring has Sprung

One of our Easter Eco Club attendees enjoying the wonders of Warm Earth growing space.

There is nothing like that first day of spring when you feel the warm sun on your face for the first time after a long dark winter. We have been celebrating the arrival of spring here at Warm Earth. Our volunteers have been working hard alongside Ernie growing vegetables and plants ready for sale shortly. The first signs of our seeds sprouting always seems a miraculous moment and fills us with a sense of hope for the future. The team have also been working hard collecting and processing food waste from our local primary school and Food Pantry creating beautiful compost. We sell this compost for just £4 a bag from the Foundry Field on James Turner Street. If you need compost for growing or gardening this year then pop Monday, Wednesday or Friday 10am-2pm.

Over Easter we had an Easter Eco club for local children interested in nature and sustainability. We teamed up with Newbigin Community Trust to deliver two days of nature exploration, building bug hotels and conducting bug hunts which caused much excitement and a little screaming! The children were also able to join Ernie in creating compost from local food waste, a rather smelly task but one which the children got fully involved with. It is a really exciting opportunity to help our younger generations engage in sustainable practices. Once the children had mashed up the food waste and mixed it with woodchip we then planted potatoes in some of our freshly made compost so that they could see the fully cycle from collecting food waste to growing food in the compost made from it.

One of our volunteers planting up sweetcorn.

Staying on the subject of food waste, Warm Earth is looking to extend its food waste collection. We are wanting to collect food waste from local households and expand the number of schools we help recycle their food. If you would be interested in this project we would love to hear from you to get an idea of the interest there is out in the community. Please email us at warmearthbirmingham@gmail.com to register your interest in this project.

We have an upcoming event on the field to help us celebrate spring. We are running a hanging basket making event on Saturday 20th May 2-4pm. Come along to the Foundry Field on James Turner Street, your first basket will be free. We will be using plants grown on site by our fabulous volunteers. It would be lovely to see you there.

Onions growing!


An Education